Monday, May 9, 2016

How to make a plastic bottle traps to get rid of the rat pack

The rats more use its sense of smell to detect the presence of food sources for them. Rats roam from one house to another house and are found in a neighborhood densely populated. Usually, the more houses in urban areas it will be more the population of rats foraging of these houses. This makes the local people wanted to know how to get rid of the rat pack. Thus, we also want to provide tips for getting rid of mice precisely by not using toxic or hazardous materials.
Keep in mind that the rats have been more pleased in a dark room because there they will be free to look for food or a hole in the wall without any human stirred him. When rats heard no movement from the owner of the house, then they would immediately run away and hide. It is well known by many people, it turns out rats are timid animals.
Rats are animals that do not provide benefits for human life. They prefer to spread dirt, punching holes in the walls of houses, punching holes in wooden cabinets, perforate sofa and spend on food in the kitchen. So everyone will have the same obligations, namely the obligation to get rid of rats in their home.
In this article, we will give some tips that will be useful to apply in your home.

Getting rid of rats with Plastic Bottles
Many ways to get rid of rats in the house, some people will use a mousetrap and a few more people will use your mouse glue. Such people prefer a humane manner and are not harmful to the safety of family members. Especially for a trap or mouse trap, we can use plastic bottles from the bottle or bottles of cooking oil.
Bottles used must have caps. Size plastic bottles 1600 ml to 2000 ml can be used to catch rats. The bottle will be paired rubber bands, yarn, chopsticks and bait.
How to make a rat trap from a plastic bottle you can follow the picture below
So from the above picture looks straight horizontal position of the bottle. We call this part of the bottle cap as the front, and the bottom of the bottle as a tip.
While ¼ the size of the bottle on the front was cut to the remaining third of your knuckles. Then the holes in the bottom of the bottle pieces as much as 4 holes on the right and left. Then at the top of the tip of the bottle made one hole to place the bait.

The workings of the mouse trap:
First off the lid, and then enter the thread and the bottle cap will clamp the yarn.
Put chopsticks in the right hole and left a hole that has been made earlier, and then attach a rubber band to the rest of the chopsticks that are outside the bottle.
In the bottles enter the baited hook, clasp which leads out into the hole on the bottle. Then pull the thread while the thread is attached to the hook.
After completion of the rat trap is set, it can be installed in pathways or areas frequently bypassed the rat pack. The right time to put it that at night, but if you intend to install it during the day so that you can do but with the proviso that the quiet of your home.

Mice are afraid of Color
Mice will be happy to objects that are similar to the color of their bodies. They also have a habit of collecting light objects that they can bring into their nests. Sometimes a piece of cloth they could gather and put on a hole they made. Maybe they want to make foxholes were comfortable and warm. They really have the instinct to live.
Sounds strange when mice had been arrested and then their bodies painted. It is very disgusting to do, but it is better if we try it to see what happens later.
Many are already doing this, the other rats will be amazed at the arrival of a rat that color. The rats were tinged will soon separate themselves from other members.
Mice that had been given color can be dipped in dye. Provide bright colors like blue, red, white. Allow to dry the mice for 1 day. Then you can let the rats return to the group, but you better let go of the mouse outside the home is not in the house. In 2 or 3 days, observe the changes that occur.

Hopefully, this article can be useful. Not only useful, of course, you also need to practice the tips in this article so that the rats in your home dwindle. Another article on how to get rid of the rat pack in the car

Friday, May 6, 2016

How to get rid of rats in your roof

So how to get rid of mice in your roof? Things need to be done is to get rid of rats by using a solution of kerosene and mothballs and durian skin.
We know that the roof of the house is a path and an ideal place for rats. The mice did not realize that the homeowner will always feel uncomfortable if they remain at home. For the owner of the house, there is no single thing that can provide benefits to their homes. In contrast, the rats in the roof of the house often make noise and commotion. It can be seen at night when homeowners are on a break, the mice will be chasing a roof that caused a stir.
Specifically to address the problem, so the solution ingredients such as kerosene and mothballs and durian peel may help resolve the issue and get rid of mice in the house.

Solution of kerosene and camphor to repel mice quickly
Kerosene is widely used as fuel for a fire. This oil also has a distinctive odor, sometimes kerosene or wood is used to smear the walls of the home in order to avoid the ants, termites or cockroaches. One interesting here is that we will dissolve or mix kerosene with camphor.
A solution of kerosene and camphor it will cause strong odors. The smell may not be described in words, but when you smell a solution that will lead to a headache. Fortunately, the smell of this solution does not like the smell of mint because when the solution is then sprayed onto the roof area and the smells will not spread. Thus, the family members will not be bothered with a solution of kerosene and camphor.
For rats, the smell of mothballs solution that has made them not linger on the roof. Roofs are often covered with rat droppings will slowly disappear stench when a solution of camphor was sprayed on a regular basis.
You can use camphor powder or solid form. To make it, prepare kerosene about 200 ml and 5 tablespoons of powdered camphor. Both materials have input into spray bottles, then mixed up the ingredients evenly mixed.
Spraying on the roof done in the afternoon or evening, spray around the roof without wetting the roof. The trick, you can lead it towards the mouth spray bottles on because when you drive down it is feared the ceiling of your house will be wet or discolor paint the ceiling of your house.

Durian skin to get rid of rats
Durian is a fruit that is delicious, from the aroma typical skin can be used to eradicate rats in the house. Usually, durian can be found in minimarkets or supermarkets, but durian is packaged in cans.
In addition, the aroma of durian skin can also be produced from the fruit skin. Durian skin is known to have sharp thorns, even when the fruit still on the tree, the durian fruit can fall about the animals that made them unconscious.
In the case of stubborn rat, you can put a piece of durian skin on the roof. It would make a durian skin around the loft smelling durian. By itself, the rats in the area will get out and away from your roof.
Maybe in big cities would be difficult to find a durian skin, you can use the alternative is canned durian or durian powder. Although somewhat pungent durian fruit peels aroma but are packed canned durian and durian powder are equally produce durian aroma.
Certainly still durian powder to be mixed with water until thickened, then rub on a thin board and then place the board on your roof.
As for the contents of canned durian paste form, the way is to apply a durian paste it on a thin board and put it on your roof.

Ways to eradicate rats above is very simple, you practice living in your home. If you want to know more about how to get rid of the rat traps then you can explore this blog through the search box above. Similarly, reviews of our articles. Hopefully, your home protected from mice.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

how to get rid of big rats and mice

We all crave the house clean, cool and comfortable to live in. Will be a lot of distractions that can be found if we do not clean house or rarely cleaned of impurities such as dust, leftover food, clothing and the smell of home pages that are rarely cleaned. In the last article, I have discussed in general about how to get rid of big rats and mice in the house.
Essentially, residents should always take the time to monitor the condition of the house. To start, do the little things like the condition of the house, especially in the kitchen, the walls of the house, the garage, and the front yard. In places, you can monitor cleanliness and if there are encountered no rat hole in the wall, rat droppings then need to be anticipated so that the rat does not make noise or damage in your residential home.
 In anticipation and get rid of rats in the house, need ways to cleverly leveraged the rat weakness itself. Weakness mice can be used as a benchmark or the first clue to get rid of mice.
The first clue, mice will usually come out of hiding at night because during the day they prefer to hide. The second clue, mice do not like fuss or crowds but otherwise, the rats will make a noise in the attic or home when the situation was quiet at night.
Both of the above instructions can be used to start eradicating rats. To support it, of course, you have to prepare a variety of equipment such as a mousetrap, mint powder, and pepper powder.

The best way to get rid of rats with mint and powdered pepper powder
The first clue, mice will usually come out of hiding at night because during the day they prefer to hide. The second clue, mice do not like fuss or crowds but otherwise, the rats will make a noise in the attic or home when the situation was quiet at night.
In addition to the above two instructions, the third Directive again you can not miss that rats will avoid scented seared their sense of smell. The last clue is closely related to mint powder and pepper powder. These materials have a smell or odor that can make the smell became paralyzed. In humans when smelling the aroma of pepper or mint then suddenly nose will be allergic as a result, can make your head spin. Even on certain conditions, the effects it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Once felt the allergic effects of the aroma of mint powder and pepper it, then chances are we will not be approached and kissed again that material. Similarly, in the sense of smell rats, mice would become sick and avoid the aroma of the two materials. The only way to escape the rat is away from home or taking both the material.

How to make a rat exterminator of mint powder and pepper powder:
Pepper powder and powdered mint can be obtained at stores closest house. You can also buy it online materials at affordable prices and delivered directly to your home.
For pepper powder, this material can be sprinkled on the walls of the house. If you find a big rat hole, then pour about 1 ounce of pepper powder in the hole. When the scent of the pepper, the mice will be allergy and soon to get out of his hiding hole. In addition, the space for the errant mice will be constrained if you could also put the pepper powder was under the couch, under the bed, under cupboards, under the refrigerator and in the places that you have encountered a rat droppings there.
For powdered mint, these ingredients have 2 choices to make. Powdered mint can be used such as the use of the above and pepper powder can be dissolved in the water. The use of mint powder and pepper powder tantamount both. Next, you can set up 5 tablespoons of powdered pepper and mixed with 200 ml of water, and then enter it into a spray bottle mix. You are ready to squirt into areas frequented by rodents.
Strive for routine spraying in areas that house you already know that the area has become a haven of mice or rats into traffic lanes in the home. So that your efforts are not in vain and to avoid spraying soon dry then you should do the spraying in the afternoon or evening.

Get rid of rats and small using Mouse Trap
Especially for women who are highly allergic and disgusted when they saw a rat, maybe catch a mouse using these traps is less feasible and make them amused. But for man, this way is more effective and can save time. Pictures of models this rat trap could be a reference for you. In addition, a good time to put that rat trap in the afternoon or evening.
Using mouse traps will save time because it takes only set traps, bait pair at the trap, trap set according to function and the last putting rat war on the path frequented by rats. When it is done, then you can use the time to rest or relax with the family.

So this simple article, I hope you can begin to get rid of the rats and keep your house clean. Thank you and see you in the next article.