Monday, May 9, 2016

How to make a plastic bottle traps to get rid of the rat pack

The rats more use its sense of smell to detect the presence of food sources for them. Rats roam from one house to another house and are found in a neighborhood densely populated. Usually, the more houses in urban areas it will be more the population of rats foraging of these houses. This makes the local people wanted to know how to get rid of the rat pack. Thus, we also want to provide tips for getting rid of mice precisely by not using toxic or hazardous materials.
Keep in mind that the rats have been more pleased in a dark room because there they will be free to look for food or a hole in the wall without any human stirred him. When rats heard no movement from the owner of the house, then they would immediately run away and hide. It is well known by many people, it turns out rats are timid animals.
Rats are animals that do not provide benefits for human life. They prefer to spread dirt, punching holes in the walls of houses, punching holes in wooden cabinets, perforate sofa and spend on food in the kitchen. So everyone will have the same obligations, namely the obligation to get rid of rats in their home.
In this article, we will give some tips that will be useful to apply in your home.

Getting rid of rats with Plastic Bottles
Many ways to get rid of rats in the house, some people will use a mousetrap and a few more people will use your mouse glue. Such people prefer a humane manner and are not harmful to the safety of family members. Especially for a trap or mouse trap, we can use plastic bottles from the bottle or bottles of cooking oil.
Bottles used must have caps. Size plastic bottles 1600 ml to 2000 ml can be used to catch rats. The bottle will be paired rubber bands, yarn, chopsticks and bait.
How to make a rat trap from a plastic bottle you can follow the picture below
So from the above picture looks straight horizontal position of the bottle. We call this part of the bottle cap as the front, and the bottom of the bottle as a tip.
While ¼ the size of the bottle on the front was cut to the remaining third of your knuckles. Then the holes in the bottom of the bottle pieces as much as 4 holes on the right and left. Then at the top of the tip of the bottle made one hole to place the bait.

The workings of the mouse trap:
First off the lid, and then enter the thread and the bottle cap will clamp the yarn.
Put chopsticks in the right hole and left a hole that has been made earlier, and then attach a rubber band to the rest of the chopsticks that are outside the bottle.
In the bottles enter the baited hook, clasp which leads out into the hole on the bottle. Then pull the thread while the thread is attached to the hook.
After completion of the rat trap is set, it can be installed in pathways or areas frequently bypassed the rat pack. The right time to put it that at night, but if you intend to install it during the day so that you can do but with the proviso that the quiet of your home.

Mice are afraid of Color
Mice will be happy to objects that are similar to the color of their bodies. They also have a habit of collecting light objects that they can bring into their nests. Sometimes a piece of cloth they could gather and put on a hole they made. Maybe they want to make foxholes were comfortable and warm. They really have the instinct to live.
Sounds strange when mice had been arrested and then their bodies painted. It is very disgusting to do, but it is better if we try it to see what happens later.
Many are already doing this, the other rats will be amazed at the arrival of a rat that color. The rats were tinged will soon separate themselves from other members.
Mice that had been given color can be dipped in dye. Provide bright colors like blue, red, white. Allow to dry the mice for 1 day. Then you can let the rats return to the group, but you better let go of the mouse outside the home is not in the house. In 2 or 3 days, observe the changes that occur.

Hopefully, this article can be useful. Not only useful, of course, you also need to practice the tips in this article so that the rats in your home dwindle. Another article on how to get rid of the rat pack in the car

Friday, May 6, 2016

How to get rid of rats in your roof

So how to get rid of mice in your roof? Things need to be done is to get rid of rats by using a solution of kerosene and mothballs and durian skin.
We know that the roof of the house is a path and an ideal place for rats. The mice did not realize that the homeowner will always feel uncomfortable if they remain at home. For the owner of the house, there is no single thing that can provide benefits to their homes. In contrast, the rats in the roof of the house often make noise and commotion. It can be seen at night when homeowners are on a break, the mice will be chasing a roof that caused a stir.
Specifically to address the problem, so the solution ingredients such as kerosene and mothballs and durian peel may help resolve the issue and get rid of mice in the house.

Solution of kerosene and camphor to repel mice quickly
Kerosene is widely used as fuel for a fire. This oil also has a distinctive odor, sometimes kerosene or wood is used to smear the walls of the home in order to avoid the ants, termites or cockroaches. One interesting here is that we will dissolve or mix kerosene with camphor.
A solution of kerosene and camphor it will cause strong odors. The smell may not be described in words, but when you smell a solution that will lead to a headache. Fortunately, the smell of this solution does not like the smell of mint because when the solution is then sprayed onto the roof area and the smells will not spread. Thus, the family members will not be bothered with a solution of kerosene and camphor.
For rats, the smell of mothballs solution that has made them not linger on the roof. Roofs are often covered with rat droppings will slowly disappear stench when a solution of camphor was sprayed on a regular basis.
You can use camphor powder or solid form. To make it, prepare kerosene about 200 ml and 5 tablespoons of powdered camphor. Both materials have input into spray bottles, then mixed up the ingredients evenly mixed.
Spraying on the roof done in the afternoon or evening, spray around the roof without wetting the roof. The trick, you can lead it towards the mouth spray bottles on because when you drive down it is feared the ceiling of your house will be wet or discolor paint the ceiling of your house.

Durian skin to get rid of rats
Durian is a fruit that is delicious, from the aroma typical skin can be used to eradicate rats in the house. Usually, durian can be found in minimarkets or supermarkets, but durian is packaged in cans.
In addition, the aroma of durian skin can also be produced from the fruit skin. Durian skin is known to have sharp thorns, even when the fruit still on the tree, the durian fruit can fall about the animals that made them unconscious.
In the case of stubborn rat, you can put a piece of durian skin on the roof. It would make a durian skin around the loft smelling durian. By itself, the rats in the area will get out and away from your roof.
Maybe in big cities would be difficult to find a durian skin, you can use the alternative is canned durian or durian powder. Although somewhat pungent durian fruit peels aroma but are packed canned durian and durian powder are equally produce durian aroma.
Certainly still durian powder to be mixed with water until thickened, then rub on a thin board and then place the board on your roof.
As for the contents of canned durian paste form, the way is to apply a durian paste it on a thin board and put it on your roof.

Ways to eradicate rats above is very simple, you practice living in your home. If you want to know more about how to get rid of the rat traps then you can explore this blog through the search box above. Similarly, reviews of our articles. Hopefully, your home protected from mice.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

how to get rid of big rats and mice

We all crave the house clean, cool and comfortable to live in. Will be a lot of distractions that can be found if we do not clean house or rarely cleaned of impurities such as dust, leftover food, clothing and the smell of home pages that are rarely cleaned. In the last article, I have discussed in general about how to get rid of big rats and mice in the house.
Essentially, residents should always take the time to monitor the condition of the house. To start, do the little things like the condition of the house, especially in the kitchen, the walls of the house, the garage, and the front yard. In places, you can monitor cleanliness and if there are encountered no rat hole in the wall, rat droppings then need to be anticipated so that the rat does not make noise or damage in your residential home.
 In anticipation and get rid of rats in the house, need ways to cleverly leveraged the rat weakness itself. Weakness mice can be used as a benchmark or the first clue to get rid of mice.
The first clue, mice will usually come out of hiding at night because during the day they prefer to hide. The second clue, mice do not like fuss or crowds but otherwise, the rats will make a noise in the attic or home when the situation was quiet at night.
Both of the above instructions can be used to start eradicating rats. To support it, of course, you have to prepare a variety of equipment such as a mousetrap, mint powder, and pepper powder.

The best way to get rid of rats with mint and powdered pepper powder
The first clue, mice will usually come out of hiding at night because during the day they prefer to hide. The second clue, mice do not like fuss or crowds but otherwise, the rats will make a noise in the attic or home when the situation was quiet at night.
In addition to the above two instructions, the third Directive again you can not miss that rats will avoid scented seared their sense of smell. The last clue is closely related to mint powder and pepper powder. These materials have a smell or odor that can make the smell became paralyzed. In humans when smelling the aroma of pepper or mint then suddenly nose will be allergic as a result, can make your head spin. Even on certain conditions, the effects it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Once felt the allergic effects of the aroma of mint powder and pepper it, then chances are we will not be approached and kissed again that material. Similarly, in the sense of smell rats, mice would become sick and avoid the aroma of the two materials. The only way to escape the rat is away from home or taking both the material.

How to make a rat exterminator of mint powder and pepper powder:
Pepper powder and powdered mint can be obtained at stores closest house. You can also buy it online materials at affordable prices and delivered directly to your home.
For pepper powder, this material can be sprinkled on the walls of the house. If you find a big rat hole, then pour about 1 ounce of pepper powder in the hole. When the scent of the pepper, the mice will be allergy and soon to get out of his hiding hole. In addition, the space for the errant mice will be constrained if you could also put the pepper powder was under the couch, under the bed, under cupboards, under the refrigerator and in the places that you have encountered a rat droppings there.
For powdered mint, these ingredients have 2 choices to make. Powdered mint can be used such as the use of the above and pepper powder can be dissolved in the water. The use of mint powder and pepper powder tantamount both. Next, you can set up 5 tablespoons of powdered pepper and mixed with 200 ml of water, and then enter it into a spray bottle mix. You are ready to squirt into areas frequented by rodents.
Strive for routine spraying in areas that house you already know that the area has become a haven of mice or rats into traffic lanes in the home. So that your efforts are not in vain and to avoid spraying soon dry then you should do the spraying in the afternoon or evening.

Get rid of rats and small using Mouse Trap
Especially for women who are highly allergic and disgusted when they saw a rat, maybe catch a mouse using these traps is less feasible and make them amused. But for man, this way is more effective and can save time. Pictures of models this rat trap could be a reference for you. In addition, a good time to put that rat trap in the afternoon or evening.
Using mouse traps will save time because it takes only set traps, bait pair at the trap, trap set according to function and the last putting rat war on the path frequented by rats. When it is done, then you can use the time to rest or relax with the family.

So this simple article, I hope you can begin to get rid of the rats and keep your house clean. Thank you and see you in the next article.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How to get rid of rats in roof space

The dark room became a favorite place for nesting rodents and perpetuate his life. Rats often went to the roof space as far from human reach. As a result, at night, the noise and fuss often disturb the tranquility of the residents. Noise caused by rats that make us uncomfortable and did not enjoy sleeping at night or during the day.
In the summer, daytime sleepiness is usually the condition of the roof space will be quiet and no noise from mice. At this time is the right time to rest, and then at night, you can prepare the equipment and materials to get rid of rats slowly.
The materials that can be used as animal predators, effects sounds and noni powder.
These three ingredients above will be effective and efficacious use at night. Because at this time that the rats became fearful and did not want to get out of the cage. Perhaps they would be surprised and they want to move to another house.

Getting rid of rats with predatory animals
Predator is an animal that can be kept in your home to repel mice stubbornly. Why do we have to maintain a predator? because the animal can control and overcome noise caused by rodents, predatory animals will also feel interrupted when another animal is more dominating in your home. Of course, the predatory animals that will be maintained are animals submissive, polite and friendly. Animals that you can maintain is a cat.
Since ancient times until now, cats are very docile animals in the household. She was also very polite and familiar with anybody because that's a lot of people who want to keep the cat and make friends. Not only a friend, cats are ready to maintain the security of the house and get rid of the mice that were in the house.
If you have difficulty to get a pet cat, so it's good that you visit veterinarians or zoo in your area. Through them, you can ask directly about the criteria of cats that can be kept at home.
Further, when the cat is able to adapt the home environment so it's good to be trained to capture objects such as rope or fabric. Usually, cats are very aggressive when there are small objects approaching them, often they would immediately pounce on the object. It's just a light workout, but basically, the cat already has a hunting instinct and prey on other animals that are smaller than the body of the cat.

How to let go of the cat on the roof of the house:
Cats are very skilled in hunting rats because they are already accustomed to ambush and immobilize prey. Cats do not care about time or place when they saw there was a rat or other prey, the cat will immediately creep slowly to reach out and grab these rats. At night or during the day is when the cat is ready to hunt. However, because the mice more often out in the evenings then, this time, will also start the hunt rats.
So, in the evening, you can let the rats in a roof space. Strive to be opened or perforated ceiling of the house about 40 square centimeters and is used as the entry and exit point of the cat. Instead, select a ceiling under which there is a closet, in the kitchen when there was a closet, then you can open it parallel to the ceiling of the kitchen cabinets. This is done so that the cat has a pedestal and easy to go up or down.
Then when the ceiling of the house is open, then the ceiling above given little pieces of meat and put the cat shared the meat. This is done so that the cat was lingering in the roof space to monitor and hunt mice.
In the roof space, when there is a little movement away from the rat then the cat will respond to movement through his ears. Cat ears that have sophisticated sensors that serve to detect any movement of objects in the vicinity. Meanwhile, the cat's nose also serves to smell the odor of animals such as rats or other.
That is a brief description of predatory animals that will be useful to get rid of mice in your home.

Getting rid of rats with sounds strange effects that make mice run away from home
The nature of the rats is they will not be pleased with the sound or sounds strange. In contrast, the condition of the quiet house and the silence becomes a moment that most rats like. Rats would not be the happy sound of the radio, television, or the human voice. This is a weakness that is owned by mice, and it will be our fundamental rid of it quickly.
To obtain strange sounds very simple, maybe you can use canned milk to make it.
Prepare rubber, milk cans, nails, iron long and stringy. To make it, follow the instructions from the picture below,
But if you do not want to use the milk cans assemblies, then you can go to the electronics store to buy an electronic device that can produce the sound to repel mice.

Repel mice with powdered noni
Besides being used for skin care, it turns out the noni fruit also has properties to repel mice. The resulting aroma of the fruit is able to make mice run away from home. Generally, the mice will avoid scents or fragrances poking up into their sense of smell.
Prepare 4 tablespoons powdered noni fruit, then mix with about 35 ml of water. After that, stirring until completely mixed in the water. Then insert it into the noni liquid spray bottle and spray at the loft, alongside the walls of the house, in the kitchen and places frequented by rats.
Moreover, because in the roof of the house a lot of rats roam then try to spray the roof space home in the afternoon or evening use the noni liquid. So that the rats quickly away from your home, then try to do the everyday routine.

The mouse will soon be fed up with the noni liquid aroma, perhaps they will soon leave your home.

Thus the article on how to get rid of rats in the roof space of the house, I hope you get your enlightenment and create more passion for keeping your home more comfortable. Thank you

Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to get rid of rats in garage and walls

The house is dirty is one cause of the mice. Some rats will choose and visited parts of the house that are dirty, and can be made by the rats as a place to leave traces of rat droppings. Usually, traces of urine and feces of mice is a marker that the rats had mastered the area or part of the house, and it is a sign that the area is in power. This certainly makes homeowners will feel bored with the behavior of mice that likes to spread the dirt, then how to Get rid of rats in the house, especially in the garage of the house? Consider a solution that will give below.
Rats in the garage of the house often leave droppings that cause the stench. Mice will often come home garage at night and sometimes in lonely situations the rats will roam inside or outside the house in search of food leftovers thrown away by residents.
This situation must be anticipated so that the rats do not spread dirt on another part of the house. Therefore, you must set up several things such as liquid ammonia and a mousetrap. Secondly, it is your capital to permanently get rid of mice.

Liquid ammonia to get rid of the mice in the garage of the house
Ammonia is a liquid that has no odor dau color, the liquid is easily soluble in water. In liquid ammonia contains hydrogen and nitrogen. When ammonia is sprayed on the object that has the smell, the smell of it will disappear immediately. This is where the function of this fluid, which is to eliminate the smell of rat droppings in the garage of the house.
You should know that in human urine contains impurities and metabolic waste substances ammonia. So in human urine ammonia that there was a substance we have just alluded to repel mice with liquid ammonia. But even ammonia substances exist in human urine then we recommend you do not use urine to repel rats in the garage of the house. Think smart! We further recommend you to buy liquid ammonia at the stores nearest your home.
Because the mice had many leaving their droppings in the garage of the house, the dirt will be sprayed with liquid ammonia. However, before you spray the garage of the house then you should clean the garage of the house from the dirt. Throw the rat poops it out of your house.
When the garage of the house is clean, then it is time to spray the liquid ammonia in the garage of the house. Spray the liquid ammonia on the surrounding wall of the garage, and in the afternoon, you can spray it back so that at night the rats no longer come to the home area.
Then when in your home smell rat droppings found it very important to immediately sprayed ammonia in the house that you have found it. Parts of the house such as the walls of the house, under cupboards, under beds bedroom, under the sofa and under the refrigerator and around the kitchen area you can spray the ammonia sufficiently.
After spraying the liquid ammonia, the mice will lose direction and they will no longer know the former urine and feces that once they spread at home. Maybe the rats have similarities with dogs because both rats and dogs they both use urine to mark the area of ​​power or places that are often passed.

Trap L is a model mousetrap Simple
The model is a model mousetrap trap is very simple and easy to make. The workings of this rat trap: first, when the smell of the bait, the rat will come to the L trap. Second, the mice will try to enter and push the trap door L until the mice will grab the bait.
After being in the rat trap L was then rats will eat the bait and then the rats will come back again to the L to exit the trap door so that there is the entrance will not open again. When rats from the trap to the outside, then the position of the L hook above the trap can not be directed outward or downward.
When rats have been caught in a trap it, then you can insert into a thick plastic bag. In a plastic bag, point L the trap door opened slightly down while the hooks L and immediately exit will come out in a bag and you have to quickly take the trap L and fast closing the bag.
In addition, there is also a more secure way to issue the rat from the trap that you can fill with water into a bucket full. By the same principle, a trap door L should be directed downward. Then submerge the trap until the rats died.

Keeping the house so that mice can be away from home
The house shall be kept clean, especially the kitchen which is always visited by rats. As we all know that the kitchen area is the main target for rats to search for food. The kitchen will be a lot of leftovers that of small things, they will invite and lure smell a rat to get as much food in the kitchen.
At night, the leftovers should be immediately cleaned up. Strive rest of the food at the dinner table, in the kitchen sink, was soon discarded in trash cans in the kitchen and then exhaust out all that dirt. When there was still food for tomorrow, so keep these foods at a safe place for example in a kitchen cupboard or in the refrigerator and keep your food storage facilities were closed or locked securely. By doing this, it could be ascertained that the rats will be exhausted and looking for other sources of food in the house. In other words, the mice will begin to move to another house in search of food.
Then, not only in the kitchen but in the living room, in the garage of the house, in the bedroom should also be laid and kept clean. In places, it should not allow small objects such as tissue, paper, cloth or some garbage was piled up and strewn across the house. Small objects must be cleaned and neatly arranged, when the objects are no longer needed then immediately separated and thrown into the trash and when the objects are still needed at home then immediately intersection in a safe and protected from the reach of rats.

In closing, I say many thanks you've been to this blog. I hope you quickly get rid of the mice to stay away from your home and your home will eventually clean, comfortable and into a dream house for your big family.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

How to get rid of rats in walls and ceiling

Rats are rodents that can dig a hole on the ground and punch holes in wood. Usually, mice will often dig a hole under the wall to open an exit-entry of rats between one house to the other. Rats will not stand in one place, they are more dig a hole at night when the house is a quiet situation. We will give you the knowledge of how to get rid of rats in walls and ceiling.
The nature of the rat is a rat does not like crowded situations, and would prefer a quiet situation. Even in a house crowded situation, the mice will be watching the situation and will quickly run to the other. In addition, mice also prefer dark places, the mice also did not like the place was illuminated. The sense of sight the mice will be sharper when the evenings.
So from the above explanation, we can see how the weakness of mice by their nature or habit. From what we can know and utilize objects around our homes to get rid of rats permanently.

Colored blinking lights can be rid of rats
Mice will be afraid when there is light. This could make the mice frightened and immediately place glow avoid it. Normally when a mouse even more confused by the light blinking endlessly, the mice will be dizzy and thought better to dig a hole in the wall.
Because rats prefer dark places, then the situation can be used to repel rats in the house. Conversely, where the light will rarely be visited and will be avoided and feared by rats. To do this trick, you can set up blinking lights and wires connected to the electricity in the house. Furthermore raft on the lamp cord, and then attach it near the hole in the wall frequented by rodents.
You can choose lights blinking with bright colors such as red, blue, or other colors. The rats will fear when they see the lights without stopping.
To develop this way, you can arrange in parallel blinking lights, and the lights are mounted on the area or pathway frequented by rodents. You can set it up along the walls of the house. Or suppose when mice often make mischief in the kitchen, then the parallel blinking lights could be installed there.
The blinking lights are very easy to obtain. You can buy it in a store electricity. There you can buy a cable, blinking colored lights, choke contacts to be connected to the mains.
Usually, many people would be annoyed with damage caused by rats, thus making them more and more annoyed and hates rats. But in fact, by observing the rats weaknesses then we can know what to do to get rid of sleep. The principle weaknesses of mice, we can create new innovations to make such a mousetrap or anything else that could create fear and make the mice cured mice to make mischief in the house.
There is a term which states that "the weakness could be a strength", this principle is true for people who want to exploit their weaknesses into strengths. However, to get rid of mice quickly, we can use the principle of "weakness mice would we change into our strength". It was pretty amazing, is not it ?. Yes, amazing.

Getting rid of rats naturally using Mint Leaf
Mint leaves can be used to get rid of the mice in the walls. Mint leaves are widely used as materials for making perfumes and perfume. Because it smells very sharp, then the mint leaves can be one rat repellent. Of course, we know together that mice do not like the pungent aroma.
Mint leaves can be obtained at perfume shops or specialty stores that sell a mint plant. You should try to get a mint leaf on a plant seller because you can treat yourself mint leaves it in your home.
Provide 2 bunches of mint, then crushed mint leaves + water 10 ml using a blender. Then squeeze the mint leaves in a blender until all the juice out, then insert it into the bottle of mint extract.
Use 2 tablespoons of the mint liquid and is applied to the container square wooden boards. After smeared on the board, then the board and lay the wood on the hole in the wall. To be smeared liquid mint board it is not easily shifted by a mouse, then you can wear long nails to glue the boards on each corner.
Usually, the pungent aroma of mint liquid it will last about 3 to 4 days. After 3 days, you can return it to the board smearing liquid remaining mint leaves. This can be done up repeatedly until the rats in the house no longer come to the wall.
The mice in the house can also be removed using liquid mint it. You can take 2 tablespoons of mint and mixed with 15 ml of water into a spray bottle. Then you can squirt into every corner of your home or the home area such as under cupboards, under the sofa and in the kitchen. If you routinely do this, guaranteed rats would run away from your home.
Getting rid of rats in the wall with cement and stone Dough
Mice have a bad habit that is detrimental. His habit is to dig a hole in the wall. Often the furrows of mice that make the house being dirty and ruin the beauty of the house. Not only that, the dirt and the remains of food in the kitchen will be taken by the rat into the pit they dug.
In the area of ​​the wall of the house, the mice often make a hole-stacked and piled dirt. But you do not need to be pessimistic about it because a lot of ways to get rid of rats in ways that are smart and humane.
Putty and stone can be used to cover holes made by rodents. First, prepare the cement 0.5 ounces and 0.3 ounces of sand and gravel to taste. Mix the three ingredients until evenly distributed. Once mixed, then give water to the mixture until smooth.
When the grout is ready, then use a spoon to put a cement grout in the hollow wall. Strive to press the cement into the hole wall until completely filled and solid. When you're done, then cover tightly cement that has been attached to the wall by using the board can not be opened up by rats. Let stand for 24 hours until the wall becomes dry and hard. So, then board which shut cement reopened.

So a few tips from us, hopefully, you can drive out and get rid of rats in ways more human and not destroy nature.

Friday, April 29, 2016

How to get rid of rats without killing them

Repel rats in the home can be done humanely, which means that humanity will save the lives of mice and rats by itself would be away from home for rats knows how bored homeowners against the way they are often spread filth and disease.
There are many diseases that can be carried by rats spread through feces. From the rat droppings will appear a variety of germs, bacteria, mold can grow anywhere rat droppings spread and often the cause of serious diseases. Diseases that can be caused by, typhoid diseases, respiratory problems, and digestive disorders.
Based on that, it is necessary for the rat to be anticipated and removed from the house so that diseases that pose a threat to the family members. To get rid of the rats, it is not necessary to use rat poison or chemicals that can kill them because by killing rats means you are fishing rat else to come home occupancy smell a dead rat.
When you get rid of mice by killing them, then this will only increase the number of mice in your home. In fact, mice are delighted at the places or houses that smell of rotten and dirty. Body smell a dead rat, the mice will flock to make the house next target.
Keep in mind, the mice also reproduce like other animals. When one dies, the other rats would give birth to offspring. And that's Cycle of Life Alive.
The various smart way you can practice in your home each to get rid of a stubborn rat. The trick as described below.

Get rid of the rats with eggshell
Mice trait that they do not like things that can cling to their bodies, even objects that often cause itching or prickling it would be frowned upon by rats. It can be time-consuming them to scratch and rub their bodies were exposed to things like that. Maybe you've seen a rat who likes to scratch his body so that their habit while being exposed to things that cling and cause itching on their bodies. And it turns out eggshells are also useful for it, to repel mice.
Skin or egg shells are composed of calcium, which is an element calcium is also found in the bone. In human skin, when crushed egg shells are then spread onto the skin then there are the fine grains will adhere firmly. Then when the fine grains of egg shell was cleaned, it will be difficult to escape from the skin and when the skin is dipped into the water was still there the rest of the eggshell granules.
So what if the egg shell was used as a trap for mice so that they become itchy and kapok to interrupt your house? Naturally definitely succeed, because the mice had skin and soft fur it will be difficult for the rats to release delicate objects cling to her skin and made her itch.

How to choose and smooth the eggshell :
Do not use raw eggs shells were still dampened by white egg yolk. Choose fresh eggs, for example, you want to use 7 eggs. Then the eggs were boiled until cooked perfectly. After the eggs are cooked, immediately insert eggs into the water to rapidly cool eggs. The eggs have subsequently opened the shell and separated from its contents.
When the egg shell is open all, then put all the shell into the plate then mash with a spoon slowly until fairly smooth.

The right time to set traps eggshell granules is evenings. Next is you have to find the home area frequently traveled or visited by rats, for example, section wall of the house or in the kitchen. So, to lure the rats arrived in the area, give small pieces of boiled egg content were in the midst of the area and the edge of the area section was sprinkled with fine grains of the egg shell.

If you want to do in other ways as well, there is still a selection of ways that you can use that to prepare square board size of 50 cm. Then in the middle was plugged nail board as a place to put the bait.
You can use the bait in the form of small pieces of poached eggs earlier, and then attached to the nails and around the board dusted with eggshell granules. Next, leave the trap. The next day you can directly check the traps that you install it, when bait runs out then the rats have been exposed to the magic of the eggshell granules.
Then keep it safe again bait on a nail in the middle of the board, and watch back. When the feed is not spent, the mice may itch and fled to find another home or a neighbor's house.
This method is very simple, it just takes patience to do so.

Tips so that your home is free of distractions mice
Everyone will crave a residential home that is free from distractions mice. A cozy home will foster harmony and comfortable place to live. One thing that can be done early is to keep the house.
For that matter, it is necessary to do a variety of things: cleaning the house floor by floor cleaning fluid, collecting all the junk and stored in a covered, store food in the cupboard, closed holes rat in the wall and make sure the door is always closed at night.
The rats will more often run around on the floor, from here they often leave droppings. So as to anticipate it, the house should be regularly mopped the floor with floor cleaning liquid. Floor cleaning fluid that is enough fragrant that will make mice not stand to pass through the outskirts of the wall that has floors smell nice and clean.
Then at home will be a lot of junk, these items must be collected and stored in warehouses or in places closed so that the animals do not use the stuff as a medium for spreading dirt. Especially in the kitchen, the goods must be stored neatly and closed.
After breakfast or dinner with the family, usually a lot of leftovers at home that we forget to save. If the food was not kept in the cupboard, the mice will be aggressive to eat all the food. On the other hand, we sometimes do not realize that the food may have been sampled by rats overnight. It would be very detrimental so as to prevent it, try to secure and store food in the kitchen cupboards.
An unpleasant habit of mice is often made a hole in the wall. Lodging in a wooden house, the mice often perforate the wall to serve as their traffic lane. To overcome this, you can dissolve camphor oil into the soil and then spray a solution camphor in rat holes in the wall. Then cover the hole wall with a piece of the thick board until the mice really can not go past the hole again ex. And again you spray a solution of camphor.

I hope you quickly get rid of the mice to stay away from your home and your home will eventually clean, comfortable and into a dream house for your big family.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

How to get rid of rats in the attic fast

Rats always take advantage of any or part of the house is quiet and away from the reach of human beings. As in the attic, mice will nest in the attic and there will be a lot of dirt carried by rats. Then How to get rid of rats in the attic fast? The most appropriate way to do that is to install a Mouse Trap.
Rat traps are very effective to get rid of the rats quickly. Mousetrap only catch mice, but if you want to drown in the water then it is your choice to do so. But it's better than throwing a rat somewhere else because it will be a new problem for others.
Before installing the trap, then you should first set up a feed or food preferred by. With the bait, the rat would be interested in a trap that has been provided. Foods such as fish flesh and pieces of bait are suitable for teasing rat trap approach that has been installed.

Traps to get rid of rats
There are a lot of mouse traps that can be used, there is a mousetrap that relies on springs and there is also a model of a glue trap mice. For large-size mouse will fit and efficient when using a mousetrap model home. The trap will catch mice one by one. Mousetrap it can be installed in the daytime or at night.
In it there is a mouse trap hook, you can pair the food with small pieces of meat or fish on the hook. The smell of the meat is very fast and very strong smell wafted by rats. As the rats would race to get a piece of meat. At the time of the mice into a trap that the rats will quickly draw on meat hooks up a small metal hook connected to it will shift back and forth, causing a trap door that will be closed quickly. You can save it to spring the trap one night in the attic. After that, the rats were already in the trap can be submerged in water with a trap.

Rat attic often makes noise and commotion that is very disturbing. Sometimes at night, when we are resting or sleeping, the mice often produce noises that sounded very disgusting. Rats are a nuisance animal that is very detrimental to humans. In addition to harming, mice also spread the dirt and disease. The rat must be removed so your family can stay at home with a quiet and comfortable.
Rat droppings are often made in the form of urine attic very rotten. Finally the attic into the soggy dirt. As a result, the color of the paint has faded and the attic became dark.

Getting rid of rats in the attic with a mixture of camphor and kerosene
In general, mice do not like something pungent. In contrast, the mice will be happy to visit the places that stink and rot. So to repel mice from the attic, then it should be prepared ingredients such as camphor and kerosene.
Prepare mothballs around 0.5 ounces. First camphor is smoothed and you can heal it with a hammer. Then prepare 350 ml of kerosene in spray bottles. Next, insert it into the camphor bottle already filled kerosene and stir the mixture until it mothballs can dissolve completely.
Then you can continue to help in the eradication of rats. First, you can set up a ladder to climb onto the balcony and you have to wear masks before squirting the mixture. When you're wearing a mask and a loft, then spray the mixture gently on each part of the attic.
When the rats smell the mixture of sharp, then the rat will soon escape and keep out of the attic area. Because, basically, mice do not like the smell, then it is advisable to spray as often as possible.
The mixture of camphor and oil could also be used in the area or a path frequented by rats. Usually, mice often come kitchen area, wall corners, then spray on these areas so that space is getting cramped when mice smell of pungent mixture.
In addition, you can also spray the outside of the house, especially in the area of the wall. Around the corner of the outer wall of the house is also often used as a path for mice to move from one place to the other.

Getting rid of rats in the attic with a liquid ammonia
Rat existing home actually has a lot to spread manure, especially manure derived from rat urine. Rat urine into a sign for them that the time they are controlling the area. Yes, that's right, it is a sign of rats in the home areas beyond the reach of human beings.
So often in the attic commotion and chase each other among the mice with other mice. It is also a sign that they are maintaining the existing rule area in the attic. Not only the attic, in the kitchen area or bedroom they often do it secretly.
So to get rid of the signs of mice had sprayed liquid ammonia. Liquid ammonia is used to remove the stench of rat urine. By eliminating the stench of urine of rats, then automatically signs rat was removed and sterilized by ammonia it. As the rats would find a sign of the confusion to power.
This method is very simple, you just buy liquid ammonia. Then enter the liquid into spray bottles can then be sprayed in the attic or in places frequented by rodents. But you should still pay attention to your own safety, before spraying it is better to wear a mask to avoid the effect of the liquid allergy.

It is undeniable that the rat is the only animal that approaches people, but bad temper like a rat damage and disrupt the human makes it useless for human life. Rats are very often punched wood cabinets, sometimes like a rat gnawing and tearing books stacked neatly on a bookshelf. On the other hand, the food in the kitchen is also a prime target for rats. So that is very important also, you have to keep the food in the kitchen cabinets are sealed.
Such a simple explanation in this article, I hope you have helped and new knowledge after reading this article. We will be proud if you could get rid of rats in ways that humanly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to get rid of rats outside permanently

Mice have a bad habit that is very detrimental to humans, there is nothing to gain benefits from the mice of human life. Especially for people who live in cities, the damage caused by rats and mice droppings have damaged the beauty of the house and get them to know how to get rid of the rats outside the house or in the house.
Outside the house, the rat is often digging up plants around the yard. In addition, rats love ornamental plant damage by digging the soil bulbs they use as a source of food. Another thing is the emergence of various impurities such as paper, cloth or rubbish that they distribute at night when the conditions were deserted while residents have been rested.

Getting rid of the rats with a dye liquid
You must first install the spring trap in an area outside the home that is often passed by the rats. But you can also directly search for a rat hole in the surrounding area of ​​your home page, and when you've met so feel free to keep it safe spring-loaded trap right near the rat hole. The traps must be filled pieces of meat or fish bait that rat happy and want to get into that trap.
Regarding the use of liquid dye is quite unique, namely by using mice that had fallen into a trap and then released and returned to the group of rats. The trick is to dip a rat into the liquid dye. You can use red or yellow.
Let the rats until the dye becomes dry, then release the mouse. With the mouse itself will return to the group. Rats color it would look strange to other rats, they will be amazed at the colorful mice that make mice more quickly separated themselves from rats that color.
When a rat in a trap, in fact before the mice leave a trail that serves as a pointer towards the way home back to the group. Rat urine is the trail left each time out of his hiding hole. Rat feces is very often encountered both in the home, in the attic and outside the home.
Sometimes the rats outside the house can be moved into the house. This will be the cause of other rats into your home. Then, of course, you have to be vigilant and get rid of it quickly. One right way is not to let the door open too long, try door in front and back of the house must be kept tightly closed. Every time you open the door of the house, then as soon as possible you need to quickly close the back door of your house.

Eradicate rats with soda pop
Baking powder or liquid soda pop contains acid gas and, if someone ate it will become bloated stomach and slowly without the person will often emit gas via fart or burp often.
According to research conducted by veterinarians showed that rats can not burp or issue a number of gasses that are inside the body. Every food consumed by the mice will be digested and then will turn into dirt issued through the anus rats and urine was so foul. So from that powder or liquid baking soda can be used as the material for repelling mice.
To eradicate the rats with soda pop is very easy, by mixing baking soda with a favored food of mice. When food has been given baking soda is eaten by rats, then the next rat stomach will be bloated. Within 4 hours after eating a mixture of baking soda mice, rats will be enlarged and when the gas inside his body could not be removed, the mice will die characterized by a white discharge from the mouth of the rat.
Strive to be a mixture of baking soda was placed in areas that are often passed mice, for example in the area of ​​Wall Fence, in drains are also usually the area that is often passed mice, behind the house, and in the area that you often find there are rat droppings there.
But note again is the safety, for example, you get a dog, rabbits or other animals that need to be avoided out of reach of the animals. And the most appropriate time to put a mixture of baking soda it is at night.
How the above is also very effective to get rid of the rats outside the house, in addition to effective also will allow you to detect the mice were dead. Maybe the rats outside the house will disappear gradually, but you have a routine for exterminating rats by using some other means so that you can explore and observe a more effective and faster to use in getting rid of mice in the house.
May be useful. Thank you for visiting this blog.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to get rid of rats naturally

Thank you for visiting the blog, you will be given tips on how to get rid of rats naturally. To get rid of rats, a more effective way is done humanely in a natural way to protect you and your family from harmful chemicals.
 There are some people who want to get rid of mice quickly end up often use chemical or rat poison. As a result of the use of rat poison will very quickly get rid of the rats, but a few days later after the stench of dead rats will spread in your home area. And that is feared if the mice who consumed the food was mixed with rat poison are then sign on to places such as beds, mattresses, wardrobes, kitchen. Without our knowledge, it could be the rats will spread the poison and our body unknowingly contaminated with rat poison it.
In some cases, disinfection mice by using poison found that mice who consumed the poisoned bait they had moved to a neighboring house nearby. When the neighbor distance only 8 meters away from home to home, then sometimes the rats are exposed to toxins still managed to move from one house to another. Mice also one pertained animal can withstand poison up to 3 hours. Then there are also cases when the mice given the poisoned bait, preliminary estimates showed that mice had disappeared but later turned out to be growing in number. This condition indicates that there may be some sort of a feeling of revenge from the group of rats to avenge the death of his brothers who had been exposed to a toxic bait that is made by man.

Getting rid of rats naturally using Liquid Mint
How to get rid of rats hereinafter that with mint leaves. Mint leaves are not only not beneficial for health, but the mint has become one rat repellent plants because mice do not like the scent of mint.
Prepare 1 or 2 bunches of mint leaves, after it was crushed mint leaves + water 10 ml using a blender. Then pour into a colander and squeeze the mint leaves that have been blended, then enter the juice into bottles. Then you can use about 2 to 3 scoops and mixed with water. mint juice can be incorporated into spray bottles. When ready, spray the mint it into an area frequented by rats. So that the rats would avoid the place by the mint liquid.
A good idea to plant trees mint in pots around the house because it is more efficient. In addition to planting mint leaves, from time to time whenever necessary then you do not need anymore to the market to buy something because it is available in the yard.

Maintain cat to get rid of rats in the house
Cats are the most feared animals by rats. Every cat in the house, the mice will be hiding out of fear because it can be eaten by cats. On the other hand, if the cats only listen to the sound of mice, rats will be running scared. So scared of mice with mice that either at home or outside the home, the mice will always be alert to the presence of cats.
To get a pet cat, we recommend young guard cat. Cats that you choose a more aged less than 2 years. Cats and younger ones will be easily trained to catch mice. You can get the cat on a special place in your town, for example in place Maintenance Cat or you can directly contact the zoo that provides pet cats. Additionally, you can also get a cat from neighbors or co-workers, and you can directly ask them.
Pet cats are already widely kept in the cities, there are benefits to be gained from a cat. In addition to getting rid of rats in the house, the cat plays to spend the rest of foods such as offal, fish waste, and leftover bread. Of leftovers, you no longer need to buy cat food at the supermarket.
Usually, the cat will begin to get around inside the house to catch mice at midnight. In situations deserted at night, the cat patiently began to notice the behavior of mice that sucks. Indeed, the cat is a mouser observer and highly skilled in the art. There is a good side when the cat was hunting a mouse, which is "the cat was never a vote", and we know that a hunter mice did not make a single mistake in order to be a successful hunt.

Do not install a mousetrap, rat poison or glue when the cats were hunting rats!
If you own a cat, then you should have to be fair to the cat. Do not let the cat feel unrivaled by means of a mousetrap, rat poison or glue mice that also use to get rid of the rat.
Unique things that will happen in your house when you install the mousetrap is the cat would occasionally come to him because they feel curious about the existing feed the post. The cat also has a keen sense of smell to food such as pieces of fish or meat. If you still put a mousetrap when the cat also hunts mice, then it is likely not a rat in a trap, but the cat into a trap that will be foregone.
Then the rat poison, this is material to eradicate rats and turn it off in a matter of hours. We know together that rat poison is very dangerous to humans and so does the effect is also very dangerous to a cat in your home. What we worry about is when you put rat poison, turns out there is a pet cat at home and rat poison that you keep in the kitchen or home page which can be reached by cats.

Of course, this is very unfortunate, you would not be willing if you come with a pet cat eating food that has you mix them with rat poison. When that happens, it's very bad for the safety of the cat. Therefore, we hope that you stop spreading rat poison. Keep your cat's safety.
Mouse glue also is the ingredient that makes the restless cat. When the cat was to hunt rats, cats carefully sneaking like Hunter Reliable ready to ambush prey But suddenly the cat stepped on Lem. Ha.ha.ha., you try to imagine, it is funny? So what happens is the cat will be busy releasing his foot from the glue, and the cat will not continue the hunt. Maybe when his foot can be detached from the glue, and then after that he will resume the hunt in catching mice.

Those are some things that could be the additional knowledge you in getting rid of mice in your home. Thank you for taking the time to read the posts. See you in the next article.

Monday, April 25, 2016

How to get rid of rats in house

In your home, many rats around? Not just you, but many people who complain and they always try to find ways how to get rid of rats in house. Whether it's by eradicating rats by setting a trap to wear a more sadistic manner that is put rat poison.
To get rid of rats in the house, the first thing to do is to clean every area of the home which indicated that the area of the house is the path or places frequented by rodents. One sign that an area frequented by rats is the area dirty, smelly, and lots of mice droppings in the area.
We suggest using a liquid detergent to clean these areas. Actually, liquid detergent soap is highly influential to get rid of mice in your home. And we know together that mice do not like the pungent odor of the liquid detergent. Then, on the contrary, mice would very often and would really like the area of the house were filthy and never cleaned.
Corners or areas of the house must be cleaned. The bottom of the cabinets must be cleaned, kitchen frequented by rats also had to be cleaned, then also cleaned under the sofa, under beds bedroom also cleaned, and warehouse storage appliances should also be cleaned.
Things to note also are away from the kids for a rat poison could be fatal and very dangerous for their health.

Getting rid of rats in the house by using Mousetrap
If your house is clean, then that should be done is to install a mousetrap. Mousetrap more effectively used to get rid of rats, because in practice it is only used traps to catch rats. If later you want to eliminate rats by soaking in water so that a dead rat, then it is your choice to do it or you can also enter a rat that has captured it into a fat wallet and threw it into the trash can in front of your house.
Mousetrap has many types, such as trap models, models of cages, rat glue. Model, this trap is more practical because of the use of this tool can be moved to different area or corner of the house is often seized with rats. how mousetrap tongs models it is the middle section is associated bait and iron pulled up straight backward and linked to the plank.
The stable model also has the same function, both models have a cage trap or model spring. If the model has a spring clasp on the board, then the model is to have a spring cage in a cage. Then in a cage that is readily available food paired hook bait. Baits such as pieces of fish or meat are more suitable for this trap models. When rats already smell the aroma of meat, then the rats will come to trap it and then sign and then the hook will pull the meat off of her and last spring rats will be trapped.

Stable model is very suitable for use in the home and on the front page and the back of the house. If your home there are a lot of rats, then we recommend using a stable model. Pasangkanlah this trap at night and in the morning you can check back in. You can set up a bucket or basin filled with water and then drown rats in a trap it.
Mouse glue, too, also serves as a mouse glue traps to get rid of mice in your home. Mouse glue is more suitable for use in homes that have mice. Small rodents usually have a long mouth, and sometimes mice as it does not have eyes. A little mouse that uses the ear and sense of smell to find food. You can set up a plywood board size of 0.5 square meters. Middle section paired spikes. Leaving about 0.1 square meters in the middle of the board of nails it to a pair bait. Then the remaining 0.4 meters longer than the board was smeared with glue rat until blended.
To glue rats, mice will usually be many trapped. They can not escape from the glue attached to the body and their fur. It is less likely to get out of the rat glue traps. Strive after morning, rat glue traps are checked back in and raise a trapped mouse and enter into a plastic bag and throw it into the trash.

So a few tips on how to get rid of rats in the house, the above methods can immediately practice agan your house free of the rat. Mice gone, your family will be comfortable and calm.